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Social Housing PPP Bundle 2

Social Housing PPP Bundle 2
  • Pre-Procurement
  • Procurement
  • Contract Award
  • Construction
  • Construction Completed
  • Contract Management

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The contract for Bundle 2 of the Social Housing PPP programme was awarded on the 27th November 2019 to Torc Housing Partnership, a consortium that includes Equitix Ltd / Kajima Partnerships Ltd, JJ Rhatigan / OHL, Derwent FM and Tuath Housing with debt funding provided by Nord/LB and Bank of Ireland.

Construction commenced immediately and all homes have been delivered and are now occupied.

The homes remain in local authority ownership with Torc Housing Partnership providing maintenance and tenancy management services for a 25-year service period.

Completed homes in Shannon East
Completed homes in Shannon East

Project Background

The 2nd phase of the Government’s current PPP programme, announced by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Brendan Howlin T.D in Budget 2015, envisages a programme to invest €300million in social housing and is expected to comprise

The Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage is the sanctioning authority for the Programme with NDFA acting as financial advisor, procuring authority and project manager.

Project Details

On 21st July, 2016, the Minister for Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government, Simon Coveney T. D. announced the location of 8 sites comprising bundle 2 of the Social Housing PPP Programme.

The Walk, Roscommon Town, Co. Roscommon

  • Local Authority Roscommon Co. Council
  • No. of Homes 53

The Miles, Clonakilty, Co. Cork

  • Local Authority Cork Co. Council
  • No. of Homes 52

Slievekeale, Waterford City

  • Local Authority Waterford City & Co. Council
  • No. of Homes 58

Ballyburke, Galway City

  • Local Authority Galway City Council
  • No. of Homes 74

Shannon East, Co. Clare

  • Local Authority Clare Co. Council
  • No. of Homes 51

Poundhill, Skibbereen, Co. Cork

  • Local Authority Cork. Co. Council
  • No. of Homes 50

Oakwood, Macroom, Co. Cork

  • Local Authority Cork Co. Council
  • No. of Homes 50

Nancy's Lane, Clane, Co. Kildare

  • Local Authority Kildare, Co. Council
  • No. of Homes 77
Completed homes at The Walk, Roscommon Town
Completed homes at The Walk, Roscommon Town

Project Team

Approving Authority Dept. of Housing, Local Government & Heritage
Sponsoring Agency & Lead Local Authority Cork Co. Council
Local Authorities Cork Co. Council, Clare Co. Council, Galway City & Co. Council, Kildare Co. Council, Roscommon Co. Council, Waterford City & Co. Council
Project Management NDFA
Financial Advisor NDFA
PPP Co. Torc Sustainable Housing Ltd.
Facilities Management Co. Derwent Facilities Management
Tenancy Management Co. / Approved Housing Body Tuath Housing